March 15, 2015

Spring Cleaning and Gelli Piles

It's March and Spring has sprung in my neighborhood...evidenced by higher pollen counts, radiant sunshine and green leaves bursting forth, plus a healthy desire to CLEAN HOUSE....metaphorically and literally. So on this day, I did a bit of both. I sneak rounds of creative play into my list of household chores to break things up.

My newfound Gelli Plate addiction is the perfect antidote to laundry, dusting, and kitchen duty. After a spell of brayering and layering, I have plenty of collage material amassed. This is one pile that I don't mind adding to.....Gelli on!

And here's a sample of what I do with all those painterly bits and pieces: this journal page was inspired by the dictionary entry for a vesper sparrow, a bird who is most active in the evenings. I have been struggling lately with getting into the studio at night, lured by the insidious television and a comfortable chair. So I need all the motivation this little vesper sparrow can lend me.

How do you motivate yourself to march into your studio?

1 comment:

  1. I love your vesper sparrow. These gelli prints are so intriguing, I hear more about them every day. Your work is always an inspiration to me, go get em!
