Follow the creative endeavors of MK Shaw, Central Florida visual artist + wordsmith.
October 13, 2014
Hurrah, Hurrah for Blah, Blah, Blah
Talking about your art.....does it strike fear in your heart or make your stomach flip flop? For most folks, yes. For me, it certainly helps to be surrounded by lots of smiling faces, as I was on October 11 for the closing day of Dresses: Objects of Art. Five artists shared their inspirations and processes with friends, family, and art lovers.
As an art maker, the circle of creativity is complete when a viewer takes some delight with what you have produced or simply engages in your work for longer than 12 seconds. As a viewer of art, I find that my experience is enriched when I know more about the artist and how they work or what they are trying to express.
So hurrah, hurrah, for all the blah, blah, blah.....and the next time you're at an art show, ask an artist about their work.
September 24, 2014
Joy Multiplied
Photo props to my friend Louise for capturing my joy on the opening night of Dresses: Objects of Art. My joy was multiplied by soooo many friends coming out to support my art journey. They dodged buckets of rain and they gave me smiles a mile wide all night.
The show is up until October 11 at Gallery at Avalon Island in Orlando, FL. There will be a closing reception on October 10 from 6 to 9pm and an Artists Talk on the 11th at noon.
September 16, 2014
Dresses: Objects of Art
I'm thrilled to be participating in the Dresses: Objects of Art show, produced by Donna Dowless. Opening reception is set for Thursday, Sept. 18 from 6 to 9pm at Gallery at Avalon Island in Orlando, FL.
An Artists Talk is scheduled for Sat. Oct. 11 at noon. 39 Magnolia Ave, Orlando, FL.
August 24, 2014
A few of my favorite dresses...
You never know when a seed planted will come to fruition. Two years ago, I contacted Donna Dowless, the curator of the Dresses show to inquire about participating. She already had a full roster of artists, but she gladly put me on the "will call" list. And then, due to unforeseen circumstances, the show had to be cancelled entirely.
Instead of shelving my dream, I happily spent time creating a body of work around the Dresses theme. I find that having a target helps focus my rabbit like attention.
So, I find myself incredibly lucky to be included in this year's show, Dresses: Objects of Art, opening on September 18, 2014.
The silhouette of the girl with a ponytail is an idealized image of the female form. There is an innocence to her. I have enjoyed pairing the silhouette with more complex dresses that have depth, texture, and a bit more womanly form.
Fourteen artists will display their interpretations of the Dresses theme at Gallery at Avalon Island, 39 S. Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, Florida, September 18 - October 11, 2014.
February 01, 2014
Honk! Honk!
The front porch of my Cozy Palace. |
HONK IF YOU LOVE ART is my shingle hanging out front. And I do get a few honks every now and then from passers by.
Art lovers know that making a home of one's own means surrounding yourself with the things that you love.
The artwork of my friends fills my home with color, texture, wonder, and infinite pleasure.
I have a distance to go before my home is rid of my messy piles, but in the mean time, I'll be happy for the spots that shine with beauty!
Shout outs to my creative friends, Karen Baker, William Kidd, and my sweet art buddy Robin Ambrose (1954-2006) for their art bling in my home.
How do you feather your nest?
January 04, 2014
The Joy of Sorting
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Paper sorting?! Yep. Paper sorting.
For me, sorting is this artist's version of "chop wood, carry water" for Zen-o-philes out there. I'm referring to the mundane tasks that some dismiss as boring, but that actually have incredible value.
When I take the time to sort through all the paper bits and pieces that have accumulated on and around my art table, I am amazed at the bountiful store of stuff I have. The fodder for future projects is all right under my nose, if I would just take some time to discover it, fondle it, and put it in its proper place.
When I take the time to sort through all the paper bits and pieces that have accumulated on and around my art table, I am amazed at the bountiful store of stuff I have. The fodder for future projects is all right under my nose, if I would just take some time to discover it, fondle it, and put it in its proper place.
Sorting makes me happy, makes me feel productive, and always gives me tangible results. Pray tell, why don't I do it more often?
Tell me if you have a special relationship with sorting...
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